
The UK’s Trade Facilitation Frontier: Unpacking the Single Trade Window Initiative

Introduction The UK Single Trade Window (STW) is a centralized digital platform envisioned under the 2025 UK Border Strategy to simplify traders' interactions with border authorities. By establishing a single entry point for border data, STW aims to minimize data duplication, enabling traders to submit required information only once through a unified portal. This initiative [...]

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Submitting an Import Declaration on Customs Declarations UK Platform

We value your feedback, and if you have any comments, suggestions or anything else that you would like to highlight to us, we will be delighted to hear from you and incorporate your feedback into our content. Note: While we have made every attempt to ensure that the information contained in this Site has been [...]

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The global freight forwarding report anticipates additional expansion in 2022

According to Transport Intelligence, the global market for freight forwarding surpassed pre-pandemic levels in 2021, but limited capacity and record-high freight prices offer a tough call. Ti estimates the market will expand 5.7 % in 2022, falling to 3.7% by 2026. Their Global Freight Forwarding 2022 report provides an up-to-date view of the freight forwarding landscape, [...]

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United Kingdom Customs Declarations Statistics for International Trade in Goods | 2021

HMRC received a total of 78.3 million customs declarations for international commerce in 2021. Listed below is a breakdown of the same: 58.0 million import declarations 20.3 million export declarations 34,3 million declarations for trade between the United Kingdom and the European Union 42.9 million declarations for the United Kingdom's trade with non-European Union nations 19.6 million [...]

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Britain to introduce new tariffs on overseas steel to protect UK producers

The United Kingdom is set to impose new tariffs on foreign steel imports to protect domestic producers from a "flood of cheap steel imports." The government will impose new "safeguard" import restrictions on several developing nations while announcing a two-year extension of tariffs on developed countries and China. Anne-Marie Trevelyan, secretary of international trade, proposed a two-year [...]

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Digital Customs Process – The Way Forward for Efficient Customs Declarations

Introduction Maintaining speed, accuracy, and compliance in today's customs and logistics market is crucial. Technology has enabled the development of digital customs clearance services, eliminating customs brokers' need for manual data entry and minimising your risk of exposure to delays, rejections, and fines. In addition, clean data allows for more accurate reporting, which is crucial [...]

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As of July, the HMRC will not introduce further EU import controls

As a result of the introduction of additional port health checks in January, the EU import controls for food imports from the EU were expected to take effect from July. However, the UK government has acknowledged that these extra checks would have worsened the impact of the pandemic, January's statements, GVMS, and Russia's invasion of [...]

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The “New Approach” of the British Government to Import Controls and Its Implications for Businesses

Introduction The Minister for Brexit Opportunities and Government Efficiency said on the 28th of April 2022 that the new controls for EU-UK migration, which had been scheduled to go into effect on the 1st of July 2022, have been delayed until further notice. This year, the remaining import limitations on EU goods will not be [...]

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